WP-Admin Login Customizer WordPress Plugin – WP Snippet World
Quick plugin to edit your wp-admin login page. Edit your background color, logo, login box color, rounded corners, and more…
Quick plugin to edit your wp-admin login page. Edit your background color, logo, login box color, rounded corners, and more…
Remove all those annoying notifications at the top of your WP Admin area… Or even just hide them for all users except for administrators.
Give yourself a bit more control over the backend of Wordpress Admin with this plugin. Assign CSS styles to all roles, or individual roles, that will only run in the backend of Wordpress.
Save time & remove thousands of extra clicks from your Wordpress workflow… This plugin is designed to allow you to quickly add custom shortcuts for any pages, accessible at all times from both the front end of Wordpress and the back end of Wordpress.
Reduce clicks and save time by quickly accessing your My Account area from the WP Admin Bar.
Quick plugin to remove your admin bar site-wide.
Frustrated trying to control the default image that is displayed when you share a link to your site? Lots of factors can contribute to this, multiple fighting plugins, multiple layers of caching, even the platform or social media network that is displaying it can be caching the image. Use this plugin to at least give you a little more control of the output of the og:image tag, and even override what Yoast SEO might be outputting.
Quick plugin to add an expiration to a website, with any custom message, across your entire network.
Quick plugin to override & disable specific emails in Wordpress, including User Changed Password emails.
Quick plugin to edit your website front end error page when Wordpress throws a fatal error. Edit your background color, logo, and more…