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What are you actively doing to bring more traffic to your site? Even after your website is “complete”, there are still so many things we can continue to work on to help trigger more free organic traffic…
We will be diving into the following topics, based on the Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors, and how they can dramatically change your SEO Rankings, both for the good and bad:

Website Content
- Quality of Content
- Researched Keywords
- Correct Words & Phrases Used
- Fresh Content & Hot Industry Topics… Is your website fresh? Or has it been just sitting un-touched for years?
- Vertical Content… Think of how people use Facebook & Instagram
- Helpful Answers
- Thin/Shallow Content
Website Architecture
- Crawl-ability
- Mobile Friendly
- Duplicate Content
- Speed
- Clean URL’s
- Cloaking & Search Engine Site Maps
Website HTML
- Title Tags Relevant
- Description Tag
- Structured Data
- Header Tags used Properly
- Stuffing Excessive Words
- Hidden Content
Website Trust
- Trusted Authority/Do Visitors Believe You, or Check The Next Website in a Listing of Search Results
- Engaged Visitors or Visitors who just Bounce
- History of Website
- Piracy Flags
- Ad Heavy
Website Links
- Are Links to Other Trusted Websites
- Links Properly Described in Text
- Number of Links Pointing Back to Your Site
- Paid Links in Hopes of Better Rankings
- Spam Links on Other Blogs
- Country of Visitors
- Locality of Local Visitors
- History/Frequency of Regular Visitors
- Reputation of Your Website on Social Media
- Shares of Your Website on Social Media
LOTS of different areas to explore when it comes to SEO, and we would LOVE to help!
- We will also explore social media sharing plugins to help your social shares.
- Focusing on your page titles & content and how even wording alone might change how Google reacts.
- What would happen if we did a monthly giveaway? Could it create viral organic sharing on social media?
- Sign up email forms, and newsletter forms/monthly newsletters.
- How even blog posts can help give you more traffic…
However none of this happens on its own, and it doesn’t happen overnight… This is a long term investment for your website, and the sooner you start the better… Please reach out via the Contact Form below for more information.
TRAFFIC BOOST MONTHLY ADD-ON PACKAGES (20% Off and No Sign Up Fee for All Clients with Website Management Plan)
Ever thought about running some ads on Facebook or Google? How about working on your Website SEO Search Engine Results? Or analyzing your Google Analytics web traffic to see how your visitors are using your website and how we can make their experience better? Are you keeping up on Social Media? Email List Building and Monthly Newsletters have been known to have the highest return on investment for websites, has this ever been a thought for helping build your business?
Take a look at our ongoing service packages and how you can continue to strategically invest into your business via your website. Our long term goal is to always bring you more business and customers via your website, and the best way to do this is to not just your website sit untouched… Let’s keep it fresh and active. You can cancel at any time that you feel that this is not working for your business.
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