Product Specific Order Notification Emails Woocommerce WordPress Plugin – WP Snippet World
Tag a product with X, and trigger a custom email upon anyone ordering those products… Great for notifying dropshippers, another fulfillment warehouse, etc…
Tag a product with X, and trigger a custom email upon anyone ordering those products… Great for notifying dropshippers, another fulfillment warehouse, etc…
By Default, Woocommerce does not support ship to email and phone number fields… This will add each field into your checkout screen, and also allow you to override the default billing email and phone number for shops that use Ship Station (Ship Station by default does not import ship to email and phone into Ship Station and often causes extra hassle, especially for international orders)
Quick plugin to allow only certain Product ID’s to be forced to be purchased individually. All other items will be cleared from cart upon adding to cart.
Quick plugin to allow only certain Product ID’s to be purchased only x times per customer.
In a situation where you need to allow someone to be submitting orders on behalf of someone else, this plugin will allow you to repurpose the email address field to enter another email address within your account, so that this secondary email address will receive the order confirmation, tracking, etc. You can also add your email into a BCC field so that all customer emails moving forward still BCC you as an admin.
Simple way to quickly update repetitive product data.
Quick plugin to specify any product slug(s) to empty cart upon loading their page, great for single page checkout experiences.
Quick way to allow all statuses for your Order Again buttons.
By default, when browsing Woocommerce products that are set up with variations with multiple prices, the price shown will only display the lowest price. This will allow you to display the entire price range versus just the lowest price.
Block domains from both registering and placing orders, or only allow certain domains to both register and place orders.